
More than 600 first-year students joined faculty and staff for SU GIVE (Get Into Volunteer Experiences), 在斯奈德的24个社区站点做一天的志愿者, 联合郡和诺森伯兰郡.

This year marked the event’s resurgence since it was curtailed in response to the Covid pandemic. 这次活动是由……组织的 麦克斯韦Wigoda威尼斯正版官方网站的社区服务协调员 约翰逊公民参与中心.

“I wanted students to get involved with the community early to slingshot their local connections as early as possible, 我觉得非常成功,维格达说. “Bringing back an experience like this really demonstrates how important making early connections will impact students not only within the campus community, 而是在塞林斯格罗夫和萨斯奎哈纳山谷中部.”

SU GIVE is a 威尼斯正版官方网站 tradition that provides first-year students a chance to work hand-in-hand with new classmates for a common goal and introduces them to service opportunities throughout the region. Among the organizations that benefitted from the volunteer effort were East Snyder Community Garden, 人类家园, Kidsgrove公园, 刘易斯堡儿童博物馆和沙莫金水坝消防公司.

“我喜欢这种团结,”一名一年级学生说. “I enjoyed that we worked on various tasks to help better the community and that’s what made it rewarding.”

学生s also volunteered at the Selinsgrove REC where they cleaned out and organized the REC’s storage shed and completed various other cleaning tasks.

“The Selinsgrove REC is appreciative of the hard work Susquehanna’s student volunteers completed for us. 和这些学生见面很愉快, 他们都准备好工作了,REC主管马特·圣诞老人说. “GIVE是一个很棒的节目, 我自己也是Alumni, it makes me proud to see Susquehanna students serving and engaging the community.”

SU GIVE is organized by Susquehanna’s 约翰逊公民参与中心, 哪个致力于为学生提供机会, 教师和工作人员学习和反思自己的角色是积极的, 社区内知情的公民.

“Service projects have the unique power to unite people from varying backgrounds, 将共同的努力转化为共同的纽带,” 弗兰克Crofchick,领导主任 & 威尼斯正版官方网站的订婚. “通过合作, Susquehanna’s newest students created a sense of unity among themselves and got to know the community they will call home for the next four years.”